The basic trigonometric functions\(:sin(x), cos(x), tan(x)\)
The sines function\(: {\displaystyle \int^x} sin(t) \ dt \)
The \( sin(x) \) function is defined as follows:
Its general antiderivative is:
$$ \int^x sin(t) \ dt = -cos(x)$$
The cosines function\(: {\displaystyle \int^x} cos(t) \ dt \)
The \( cos(x) \) function is defined as follows:
Its general antiderivative is:
$$ \int^x cos(t) \ dt = sin(x)$$
The tangent function\(: {\displaystyle \int^x} tan(t) \ dt \)
The \( tan(x) \) function is defined as follows:
Its general antiderivative is:
$$ \int^x tan(t) \ dt = - ln|cos(x)| = ln|sec(x)|$$
The basic trigonometric reciprocal functions\(:arcsin(x)\), \(arccos(x)\), \( arctan(x)\)
The arcsines function\(: {\displaystyle \int^x} arcsin(t) \ dt \)
The \( arcsin(x) \) is the reciprocal function of the \( sin(x) \) function, it is defined as follows:
Its general antiderivative is:
$$ \int^x arcsin(t) \ dt = x \ arcsin(x) + \sqrt{1-x^2}$$
The arccosines function\(: {\displaystyle \int^x} arccos(t) \ dt \)
The \( arccos(x) \) function is the reciprocal function of the \( cos(x) \) function, it is defined as follows:
Its general antiderivative is:
$$ \int^x arccos(t) \ dt = x \ arccos(x) - \sqrt{1-x^2}$$
The arctangent function\(: {\displaystyle \int^x} arctan(t) \ dt \)
The \( arctan(x) \) function is the reciprocal function of the \( tan(x) \) function, it is defined as follows:
Its general antiderivative is:
$$\int^x arctan(t) \ dt = x \ arctan(x) - \frac{1}{2} ln\left(1+x^2 \right)$$
The secant trigonometric functions: \(cosec(x), sec(x), cotan(x)\)
The cosecant function\(: {\displaystyle \int^x} cosec(t) \ dt \)
The \( cosec(x) \) function is defined as follows:
Its general antiderivative is:
$$\int^x cosec(t) \ dt = ln \left|cosec(x) -cotan(x) \right|$$
The secant function\(: {\displaystyle \int^x} sec(t) \ dt \)
The \( sec(x) \) function is defined as follows:
Its general antiderivative is:
$$\int^x sec(t) \ dt = ln \left|sec(x) + tan(x) \right|$$
The cotangent function\(: {\displaystyle \int^x} cotan(t) \ dt \)
The \( cotan(x) \) function is defined as follows:
Its general antiderivative is:
$$ \int^x cotan(t) \ dt = - ln|sin(x)| = ln|cosec(x)|$$
The secant trigonometric reciprocal functions: \(arccosec(x)\), \(arcsec(x)\), \( arccotan(x)\)
The arccosecant function\(: {\displaystyle \int^x} arccosec(t) \ dt \)
The \( arccosec(x) \) is the reciprocal function of the \( cosec(x) \) function, it is defined as follows:
Its general antiderivative is:
$$\int^x arccosec(t) \ dt = x \ arccosec(x) + ln \left|\sqrt{x^2-1} + |x| \right|$$
The arcsecant function\(: {\displaystyle \int^x} arcsec(t) \ dt \)
The \( arcsec(x) \) is the reciprocal function of the \( sec(x) \) function, it is defined as follows:
Its general antiderivative is:
$$\int^x arcsec(t) \ dt = x \ arcsec(x) - ln \left|\sqrt{x^2-1} + |x| \right| $$
The arccotangent function\(: {\displaystyle \int^x} arccotan(t) \ dt \)
The \( arccotan(x) \) is the reciprocal function of the \( cotan(x) \) function, it is defined as follows:
Its general antiderivative is:
$$\int^x arccotan(t) \ dt = x \ arccotan(x) + \frac{1}{2} ln\left(1+x^2 \right) $$
The hyperbolic functions: \(sinh(x), cosh(x), tanh(x)\)
The hyperbolic sines function\(: {\displaystyle \int^x} sinh(t) \ dt \)
The \( sinh(x) \) function is defined as follows:
Its general antiderivative is:
$$ \int^x sinh(t) \ dt = cosh(x)$$
The hyperbolic cosines function\(: {\displaystyle \int^x} cosh(t) \ dt \)
The \( cosh(x) \) function is defined as follows:
Its general antiderivative is:
$$ \int^x cosh(t) \ dt = sinh(x)$$
The hyperbolic tangent function\(: {\displaystyle \int^x} tanh(t) \ dt \)
The \( tanh(x) \) function is defined as follows:
Its general antiderivative is:
$$ \int^x tanh(t) \ dt = ln|cosh(x)| = -ln|sech(x)|$$
The hyperbolic reciprocal functions: \( arcsinh(x)\), \(arccosh(x)\), \( arctanh(x)\)
The hyperbolic arcsines function\(: {\displaystyle \int^x} arcsinh(t) \ dt \)
The \( arcsinh(x) \) is the reciprocal function of the \( sinh(x) \) function, it is defined as follows:
In addition, we can define it more explicitly by :
$$ arcsinh(x) = ln \left|x + \sqrt{x^2 + 1}\right| $$
(\(\Longrightarrow\) see demonstration of it)
Its general antiderivative is:
$$ \int^x arcsinh(t) \ dt = x \ arcsinh(x) - \sqrt{1+x^2}$$
The hyperbolic arccosines function\(: {\displaystyle \int^x} arccosh(t) \ dt \)
The \( arccosh(x) \) is the reciprocal function of the \( cosh(x) \) function, it is defined as follows:
In addition, we can define it more explicitly by :
$$ arccosh(x) = ln \Bigl| x + \sqrt{x^2 - 1}\Bigr| $$
(\(\Longrightarrow\) see demonstration of it)
Its general antiderivative is:
$$ \int^x arccosh(t) \ dt = x \ arccosh(x) - \sqrt{x^2-1}$$
The hyperbolic arctangent function\(: {\displaystyle \int^x} arctanh(t) \ dt \)
The \( arcsinh(x) \) is the reciprocal function of the \( sinh(x) \) function, it is defined as follows:
In addition, we can define it more explicitly by :
$$ arctanh(x) = \frac{1}{2} ln \left| \frac{1 + x}{1 - x} \right| $$
(\(\Longrightarrow\) see demonstration of it)
Its general antiderivative is:
$$ \int^x arctanh(t) \ dt = x \ arctanh(x) + ln|1 - x^2|$$
The hyperbolic secant functions: \(cosech(x), sech(x), cotanh(x)\)
The hyperbolic cosecant function\(: {\displaystyle \int^x} cosech(t) \ dt \)
The \( cosech(x) \) function is defined as follows:
Its general antiderivative is:
$$\int^x cosech(t) \ dt = ln \left|cosech(x) -cotanh(x) \right|$$
The hyperbolic secant function\(: {\displaystyle \int^x} sech(t) \ dt \)
The \( sech(x) \) function is defined as follows:
Its general antiderivative is:
$$\int^x sech(t) \ dt = arctan(sinh(x)) $$
The hyperbolic cotangent function\(: {\displaystyle \int^x} cotanh(t) \ dt \)
The \( cotanh(x) \) function is defined as follows:
Its general antiderivative is:
$$ \int^x cotanh(t) \ dt = ln|sinh(x)| = -ln|cosech(x)|$$
The hyperbolic secant reciprocal functions: \(arccosech(x)\), \(arcsech(x)\), \( arccotanh(x)\)
The hyperbolic arccosecant function\(: {\displaystyle \int^x} arccosech(t) \ dt \)
The \( arccosech(x) \) is the reciprocal function of the \( cosech(x) \) function, it is defined as follows:
Its general antiderivative is:
$$\int^x arccosech(t) \ dt = x \ arccosech(x) + ln \left|\sqrt{x^2+1} + |x| \right|$$
The hyperbolic arcsecant function\(: {\displaystyle \int^x} arcsech(t) \ dt \)
The \( arcsech(x) \) is the reciprocal function of the \( sech(x) \) function, it is defined as follows:
Its general antiderivative is:
$$\int^x arcsech(t) \ dt = x \ arcsec(x) + arcsin(x) $$
The hyperbolic arccotangent function\(: {\displaystyle \int^x} arccotanh(t) \ dt \)
The \( arccotanh(x) \) is the reciprocal function of the \( cotanh(x) \) function, it is defined as follows:
Its general antiderivative is:
$$\int^x arccotanh(t) \ dt = x \ arccotanh(x) + ln \left|1-x^2 \right| $$
Antiderivatives of trigonometric functions recap table
The \( sin(x) \) function is defined as follows:
As we know from the derivatives of trigonometric functions that:
So by simply taking the antiderivative from each side,
$$ \int^x sin(t) \ dt = -cos(x)$$
The \( cos(x) \) function is defined as follows:
As well as above with the \(sin(x)\) function, we directly obtain:
$$ \int^x cos(t) \ dt = sin(x)$$
The \( tan(x) \) function is defined as follows:
From this definition, we do have:
Le us set down a new variable: \(u = cos(t)\).
$$ \begin{align*} \int^x \frac{sin(t)}{cos(t)} \ dt = \int^x -\frac{du}{u} \end{align*} $$
$$ with \enspace \Biggl \{ \begin{align*} u = cos(t) \\ du = -sin(t) \ dt \end{align*} $$
$$ \int^x tan(t) \ dt = - ln|cos(x)| = ln|sec(x)|$$
The \( arcsin(x) \) is the reciprocal function of the \( sin(x) \) function, it is defined as follows:
From this definition, let us perfom an integration by parts with :
$$ \ \Biggl \{ \begin{align*} u(t) = arcsin(t) \\ v'(t) = dt \end{align*} $$
$$ \Biggl \{ \begin{align*} u'(t) = \frac{dt}{\sqrt{1-t^2}} \\ v(t) = t \end{align*} $$
We do have:
And as a result,
$$ \int^x arcsin(t) \ dt = x \ arcsin(x) + \sqrt{1-x^2}$$
The \( arccos(x) \) function is the reciprocal function of the \( cos(x) \) function, it is defined as follows:
As well as above, we perform an integration by parts with: :
$$ \ \Biggl \{ \begin{align*} u(t) = arccos(t) \\ v'(t) = dt \end{align*} $$
$$ \Biggl \{ \begin{align*} u'(t) = -\frac{dt}{\sqrt{1-t^2}} \\ v(t) = t \end{align*} $$
We do have:
As a result we do have,
$$ \int^x arccos(t) \ dt = x \ arccos(x) - \sqrt{1-x^2}$$
The \( arctan(x) \) function is the reciprocal function of the \( tan(x) \) function, it is defined as follows:
From this definition, let us perfom an integration by parts with :
$$ \ \Biggl \{ \begin{align*} u(t) = arctan(t) \\ v'(t) = dt \end{align*} $$
$$ \Biggl \{ \begin{align*} u'(t) = \frac{dt}{1+t^2} \\ v(t) = t \end{align*} $$
We do have:
And as a result,
$$ \int^x arctan(t) \ dt = x \ arctan(x) - \frac{1}{2} ln\left(1+x^2 \right)$$
The \( cosec(x) \) function is defined as follows:
We firstly notice that:
$$ \Biggl \{ \begin{align*} cosec^2(x) = -cotan(x)' \\ -cosec(x)cotan(x) = cosec(x)' \end{align*} $$
Now we have,
Then, we can easily integrate it and:
As a result,
$$\int^x cosec(t) \ dt = ln \left|cosec(x) -cotan(x) \right|$$
The \( sec(x) \) function is defined as follows:
First of all, we notice that:
$$ \Biggl \{ \begin{align*} sec^2(x) = tan'(x) \\ sec(x)tan(x)= sec'(x) \end{align*} $$
Now we can easily integrate it and:
Ans a result we do obtain,
$$\int^x sec(t) \ dt = ln \left|sec(x) + tan(x) \right|$$
The \( cotan(x) \) function is defined as follows:
From this definition:
Let us set down: \(u = sin(t)\).
$$ \begin{align*} \int^x cotan(t) \ dt = \int^x \frac{du}{u} \end{align*} $$
$$ with \enspace \Biggl \{ \begin{align*} u = sin(t) \\ du = cos(t) \ dt \end{align*} $$
As a result we do have,
$$ \int^x cotan(t) \ dt = - ln|sin(x)| = ln|cosec(x)|$$
The \( arccosec(x) \) is the reciprocal function of the \( cosec(x) \) function, it is defined as follows:
From this definition, let us perfom an integration by parts with :
$$ \ \Biggl \{ \begin{align*} u(t) = arccosec(t) \\ v'(t) = dt \end{align*} $$
$$ \left \{ \begin{align*} u'(t) = - \frac{dt}{ x^2} \times \frac{1}{ \sqrt{1 - \frac{1}{ x^2}}} \\ v(t) = t \end{align*} \right \} $$
We do have:
To manage the absolute value, we can set down:
$$ \Biggl \{ \begin{align*} w = |t| \\ dw = \frac{t}{|t|}dt \ \end{align*}$$
We already calculated this integral above:
And finally,
$$\int^x arccosec(t) \ dt = x \ arccosec(x) + ln \left|\sqrt{x^2-1} + |x| \right|$$
The \( arcsec(x) \) is the reciprocal function of the \( sec(x) \) function, it is defined as follows:
From this definition, by performing the same integration by parts as the \(arccosec(x)\) function above:
$$ \ \Biggl \{ \begin{align*} u(t) = arcsec(t) \\ v'(t) = dt \end{align*} $$
$$ \left \{ \begin{align*} u'(t) = \frac{dt}{ x^2} \times \frac{1}{ \sqrt{1 - \frac{1}{ x^2}}} \\ v(t) = t \end{align*} \right \} $$
We directly obtain,
$$\int^x arcsec(t) \ dt = x \ arcsec(x) - ln \left|\sqrt{x^2-1} + |x| \right| $$
The \( arccotan(x) \) is the reciprocal function of the \( cotan(x) \) function, it is defined as follows:
From this definition, by performing the same integration by parts as the \(arccosec(x)\) function above:
$$ \ \Biggl \{ \begin{align*} u(t) = arccotan(t) \\ v'(t) = dt \end{align*} $$
$$ \left \{ \begin{align*} u'(t) = -\frac{dt}{ 1 + x^2} \\ v(t) = t \end{align*} \right \} $$
We directly obtain,
$$\int^x arccotan(t) \ dt = x \ arccotan(x) + \frac{1}{2} ln\left(1+x^2 \right) $$
The \( sinh(x) \) function is defined as follows:
As well as above with the \(sin(x)\) function, we directly obtain:
$$ \int^x sinh(t) \ dt = cosh(x)$$
The \( cosh(x) \) function is defined as follows:
As well as above with the \(sinh(x)\) function, we directly obtain:
$$ \int^x cosh(t) \ dt = sinh(x)$$
The \( tanh(x) \) function is defined as follows:
From this definition, we do have:
As well as above with the \(tan(x)\) function, we set down: \(u = cosh(t)\).
And we easily obtain,
$$ \int^x tanh(t) \ dt = ln|cosh(x)| = -ln|sech(x)|$$
The \( arcsinh(x) \) is the reciprocal function of the \( sinh(x) \) function, it is defined as follows:
In addition, we can define it more explicitly by :
$$ arcsinh(x) = ln \left|x + \sqrt{x^2 + 1}\right| $$
(\(\Longrightarrow\) see demonstration of it)
As well as above, we perform an integration by parts with:
$$ \ \Biggl \{ \begin{align*} u(t) = arcsinh(t) \\ v'(t) = dt \end{align*} $$
$$ \Biggl \{ \begin{align*} u'(t) = \frac{dt}{\sqrt{1+t^2}} \\ v(t) = t \end{align*} $$
We do have:
And as a result,
$$ \int^x arcsinh(t) \ dt = x \ arcsinh(x) - \sqrt{1+x^2}$$
The \( arccosh(x) \) is the reciprocal function of the \( cosh(x) \) function, it is defined as follows:
In addition, we can define it more explicitly by :
$$ arccosh(x) = ln \Bigl| x + \sqrt{x^2 - 1}\Bigr| $$
(\(\Longrightarrow\) see demonstration of it)
As well as above, we perform an integration by parts with:
$$ \ \Biggl \{ \begin{align*} u(t) = arccosh(t) \\ v'(t) = dt \end{align*} $$
$$ \Biggl \{ \begin{align*} u'(t) = \frac{dt}{\sqrt{t^2 - 1}} \\ v(t) = t \end{align*} $$
We do have:
And finally,
$$ \int^x arccosh(t) \ dt = x \ arccosh(x) - \sqrt{x^2-1}$$
The \( arctanh(x) \) is the reciprocal function of the \( tanh(x) \) function, it is defined as follows:
In addition, we can define it more explicitly by :
$$ \ arctanh(x) = \frac{1}{2} ln \left| \frac{1 + x}{1 - x} \right| $$
(\(\Longrightarrow\) see demonstration of it)
From this definition, let us perfom an integration by parts with :
$$ \ \Biggl \{ \begin{align*} u(t) = arctanh(t) \\ v'(t) = dt \end{align*} $$
$$ \Biggl \{ \begin{align*} u'(t) = \frac{dt}{1-x^2} \\ v(t) = t \end{align*} $$
We do have:
And finally,
$$ \int^x arctanh(t) \ dt = x \ arctanh(x) + ln|1 + x^2|$$
The \( cosech(x) \) function is defined as follows:
By applying the same reasoning as above with the \(cosec(x) \) function :
$$ \Biggl \{ \begin{align*} cosech^2(x) = -cotanh(x)' \\ -cosech(x)cotanh(x) = cosech(x)' \end{align*} $$
We directly obtain that:
$$\int^x cosech(t) \ dt = ln \left|cosech(x) -cotanh(x) \right|$$
The \( sech(x) \) function is defined as follows:
Let us set down the new variable: \(u = sinh(t)\).
Now we have:
$$ \begin{align*} \int^x sech(t) \ dt = \int^x \frac{du}{1 + u^2} \end{align*} $$
$$ with \enspace \Biggl \{ \begin{align*} u = sinh(t) \\ du = cosh(t) \ dt \end{align*} $$
And finally,
$$\int^x sech(t) \ dt = arctan(sinh(x)) $$
The \( cotanh(x) \) function is defined as follows:
From this definition:
As well as above, we set a new variable: \(u = sinh(t)\).
$$ \begin{align*} \int^x cotanh(t) \ dt = \int^x \frac{du}{u} \end{align*} $$
$$ with \enspace \Biggl \{ \begin{align*} u = sinh(t) \\ du = cosh(t) \ dt \end{align*} $$
We finally obtain,
$$ \int^x cotanh(t) \ dt = ln|sinh(x)| = -ln|cosech(x)|$$
The \( arccosech(x) \) is the reciprocal function of the \( cosech(x) \) function, it is defined as follows:
From this definition, let us perfom an integration by parts with :
$$ \ \Biggl \{ \begin{align*} u(t) = arccosech(t) \\ v'(t) = dt \end{align*} $$
$$ \left \{ \begin{align*} u'(t) = - \frac{dt}{ x^2} \times \frac{1}{ \sqrt{1 + \frac{1}{ x^2}}} \\ v(t) = t \end{align*} \right \} $$
As well as above, we set down:
$$ \Biggl \{ \begin{align*} w = |t| \\ dw = \frac{t}{|t|}dt \ \end{align*}$$
We already calculated this integral above:
And finally,
$$\int^x arccosech(t) \ dt = x \ arccosech(x) + ln \left|\sqrt{x^2+1} + |x| \right|$$
The \( arcsech(x) \) is the reciprocal function of the \( sech(x) \) function, it is defined as follows:
From this definition, by performing the same integration by parts as the \(arccosech(x)\) function above:
$$ \ \Biggl \{ \begin{align*} u(t) = arcsech(t) \\ v'(t) = dt \end{align*} $$
$$ \left \{ \begin{align*} u'(t) = - \frac{dt}{ x^2} \times \frac{1}{ \sqrt{\frac{1}{ x^2} - 1}} \\ v(t) = t \end{align*} \right \} $$
We directly obtain,
$$\int^x arcsech(t) \ dt = x \ arcsec(x) + arcsin(x) $$
The \( arccotanh(x) \) is the reciprocal function of the \( cotanh(x) \) function, it is defined as follows:
From this definition, by performing the same integration by parts as the \(arccosech(x)\) function above:
$$ \ \Biggl \{ \begin{align*} u(t) = arccotanh(t) \\ v'(t) = dt \end{align*} $$
$$ \left \{ \begin{align*} u'(t) = \frac{dt}{1-x^2} \\ v(t) = t \end{align*} \right \} $$
We directly obtain,
$$\int^x arccotanh(t) \ dt = x \ arccotanh(x) + ln \left|1-x^2 \right| $$